Social and Emotional Resources
The High School Counselor provides social and emotional support in several contexts and capacities including Individual Counseling, Support Group Facilitation, Crisis Response as well as coordination, referral and outreach to community agencies.
The role of the School Counselor is to provide brief counseling sessions for concerns that impact academics including divorce, loss, abuse, anxiety, depression, anger control, alcohol & drug abuse, suicide, coping, peer and family issues. If more in-depth counseling or therapy is necessary, the counselor provides referrals to other community resources for the student and their family.
Sheboygan Mental Health America provides referrals to local counselors, group interventions, and additional mental health supports; (920)458-3951
Crisis Center 24 Hour Hotline (920) 436-8888
Crisis Text Hotline Text: 'Hopeline' To: 741741
Safe Harbor 920-452-7640
Sheboygan County Mental Health/Substance Abuse Treatment Center 920-459-3155
Runaway Youth Services 920-458-7100